Frequently Asked Questions

Can individuals join the institute's training activities at their own expense?

Currently, individuals are allowed to join the institute’s training activities, but need to be nominated through an organization – please contact us for more details as to how the process works

Are there specific requirements for candidates nominated to join the institute's training courses?

No, as long the nominated candidates are nominated by their bank/ organization. There are however some prerequisite conditions for some programs, specified in the individual program descriptions.

How to join the institute's team of trainers?

Send the following to fax number +965 22901181 or by email to Cs@kibs.edu.kw to be reviewed and approved by the IBS management:

  • Curriculum Vitae.
  • Copies of academic and professional certificates that show the specialization.
  • Evaluation forms of training activities conducted previously.
  • List of subjects and main contents of training activities the lecturer wishes to carry out.

What is the criteria for selecting participants?

Simply the fulfillment of the “Target Audience” criteria. In case of high demand on particular programs, participants are ranked.

What is the maximum number of participants that a member bank may nominate?

Given the restrictions on places this may logistically be limited to 2 or 3, but if one bank or more nominates less than their allowed number of seats, then these places are open to other banks.

How many “In House” programs is a member bank allotted each year?

Subject to budget approval, normally 2 or 3

What if a bank wishes to arrange additional “In House” programs, i.e. more than 2 or 3?

Many factors may be considered, with each situation being assessed separately. But as far as possible, the Training Unit will seek to work with the bank to meet its needs to its best ability.

What is the minimum number of participants required for an “In House” program?

Depending on the subject matter normally 16, but the Training Unit is flexible in this matter.

What can my bank do if it wishes to run an “In House” program but there are insufficient staff to meet the minimum criteria?

If relayed to the IBS Training Unit, it may discuss the matter with other banks to see if a joint program can be arranged. The program will still be allocated to the bank that originated the request.

Where can I find information regarding the Training Unit’s internet based e-learning services?

By visiting our website kibs.edu.kw, and clicking:  Our Services/Elearning.

Where can I find further information regarding the Training Unit and its activities?

By visiting our website kibs.edu.kw, and clicking: Our Services/Training and Development.